16 Casper Practice Questions and How to Answer


Casper, the Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics, is a situational judgment test provided by Acuity Insights designed to evaluate a premed’s soft skills, such as bedside manner and ethical decision making, outside of academics. Since the test is not academic and does not involve memorization, it’s not something you can technically study for. However, you can certainly prepare for it with Casper sample questions, tests, and other tools.

In this guide, we share 16 Casper practice questions to familiarize yourself with both the typed and video response sections of the Casper test. Utilize these questions to build confidence in your Casper vocabulary, typing speed, and verbal performance.


Why You Need to Prepare for Casper

Casper is a unique test that can be challenging if you don’t know what to expect. First off, the format is vastly different from your standard multiple choice test. There are two response sections—one typed and one verbal. Each response section is timed, and when that time limit is up, your response is automatically uploaded. You can’t review it, and you won’t have any do-overs.

You can also only take Casper once per application cycle. If you do poorly on your first try, you won’t have another chance at it. Depending on how poorly you perform and the strength of the rest of your application, a poor Casper score could impact your chances of acceptance.

It’s a fast-paced test that can’t be paused. Getting thrown off of your groove can easily snowball. Preparation is essential so that you know exactly what to expect and how to answer the questions most effectively within the allotted time frames.

Learn more about how Casper is scored, the testing format, and logistical frequently asked questions from our comprehensive Casper Test Guide. It’s updated every application cycle since Acuity Insights continues to evolve.


How to Effectively Utilize Practice Questions

Casper Prep with ghost and computer

1 | Simulate the Testing Format

The format of the Casper test is very unique. It is divided into two response sections, a video response section and a typed response section.

In the video response section, you will be asked to verbally respond to two word-based scenarios and four video-based scenarios. After being presented with a scenario, you will be asked two questions. You have one minute to record a video response to each question.

After one minute is up, your response is automatically submitted. You can’t watch the recording back or make any changes to your answer. Once you have answered two questions, you’ll receive the next scenario.

In the typed response section, you will be asked to type your responses to three word-based scenarios and five video-based scenarios. You will be asked three questions about a scenario after viewing it, and you’ll have five minutes to type your responses to all three questions. Once those five minutes are up, you are automatically advanced to the next scenario, regardless of whether you completed all of the questions or not.

If your timer runs out or you click submit before your five minutes are up, your responses are automatically uploaded. Just like with the video response section, you are unable to go back and change your answers.

Understanding the format is only the first step. Next, you need to practice in this format.

Don’t simply answer questions at random. Simulate the test by answering questions within their respective time limits. If it’s a video response question, practice answering articulately within the 1-minute time limit. If it’s a typed response question, practice typing your answers to all three questions back to back within the 5-minute time limit.

Use your own timer to simulate the testing experience. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become answering clearly and concisely within the allotted time restraints.

2 | Simulate the Testing Environment

When you take a practice test, take it under the same circumstances that you will on your real test day. That means taking the test at the same time, wearing the same clothing, eating the same meal beforehand, leaving your phone outside of the room, letting any roommates know you can’t be disturbed, etc.

Since all you need to take the test is a reliable internet connection and a laptop with a reliable camera and audio, you can take it anywhere you feel most comfortable, likely in a quiet, private space at home.

Simulating the testing environment when answering practice questions will help you mitigate any issues that could occur on test day. You’ll be able to work out any kinks and ensure the space is optimized long before the day of your test. This includes ensuring you have a tidy and distraction-free workspace, complete quiet, access to charging outlets, and a strong internet connection.

3 | Understand What Casper Raters Are Looking For

Casper is designed to evaluate your soft skills, such as your ability to empathize with others and make ethical and equitable decisions that respect the law as well as the people involved.

Casper tests for the following 10 Constructs:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Equity
  • Ethics
  • Motivation
  • Problem solving
  • Professionalism
  • Resilience
  • Self-awareness

When evaluating your responses, Casper raters use a likert scale ranging from 1 to 9 (1 being poor and 9 being excellent). While there are no right or wrong answers, raters are looking for certain red flags that illustrate a lack of empathy, ethics, and morality.

Casper scores are an aggregate of your video and written responses. They demonstrate your overall ability to reflect on and communicate responses to interpersonal and professional dilemmas with critical reasoning as well as strong social awareness and interpretation. The more you practice and hone these skills, the better you’ll perform on test day.

Casper asks purposely vague questions related to the above qualities that don’t necessarily have right or wrong answers. Therefore, it’s up to you to navigate the ethical dilemmas presented to the best of your ability. This means thinking about everyone involved in a situation and how your actions ripple out to affect other people.

Learn more from our other Casper guides: 15 Casper Test Preparation Tips and How the Casper Test Scored.


Casper Sample Questions: Video Response

Person looking at computer for Casper interview video response

The following Casper sample questions are for the video response section of Casper, which occurs first. In this part of the test, you will be given a scenario that is either video or word-based. After reading or watching the scenario, you will answer two questions. You will have one minute to record your response to each question.

Note: In this guide, we’ve only included written scenarios, but on the real test, you will be presented with video scenarios as well.

Video Sample Question #1


You’re part of a research team and another team member, Alex, confides in you that they have discovered inconsistencies in a colleague, John’s, data that suggest data manipulation. Alex has asked for strict confidentiality as they fear John may retaliate. Notably, John is related to the lead researcher, who is known to favor him. While data integrity is crucial, you are also aware of the potential repercussions Alex may face, and your own position on the team may be at stake.

  1. How would you handle Alex’s request for confidentiality?
  2. What strategies would you employ to ensure the long-term integrity of your team’s research?

Video Sample Question #2


During a final group meeting before a project is due, one of your teammates, Sam, unexpectedly reveals that he has been struggling with personal issues throughout the project’s duration. As a result, he hasn’t been able to contribute much. No one in the group was aware of Sam’s situation, but his lack of contribution has significantly increased the workload for everyone else. The deadline for the project is in two days, and there is still substantial work left. Two group members propose that anyone who didn’t contribute significantly should not get credit.

  1. How would you handle this situation to ensure a fair outcome?
  2. Would your answer change if this wasn’t the first time Sam has contributed less to a group project?

Video Sample Question #3


Choosing to become a physician is a big decision that requires many years of training, hard work, and monetary expense.

  1. Why do you want to become a doctor?
  2. If you couldn’t become a doctor, what other field might you consider?

Video Sample Question #4


Lately, a few of your friends from class have shared issues they’ve been having with cyberbullying online. They are unsure of what to do and ask for your advice.

  1. What advice would you give to someone you know who is dealing with cyberbullying?
  2. If you were the one confronted with cyberbullying, would you do anything different?

Video Sample Question #5


You’re a university TA and one of your top-performing students submits an assignment that is noticeably below their usual standard. You suspect personal issues may be affecting their academic performance, but discussing such matters can be inappropriate and sensitive. Interestingly, the student sends you an email requesting an extension on their next assignment, citing personal issues that affected their work.

  1. How would you handle this scenario in relation to grading this assignment and considering the request for an extension?
  2. How would you provide necessary support while maintaining an appropriate professional boundary if the personal issues persist?

Video Sample Question #6


Keeping your cool and remaining calm in a hospital setting, no matter what a patient may say or do, is incredibly important.

  1. Discuss a time when you lost your temper.
  2. What strategies do you implement to practice patience?

Video Sample Question #7


You notice one of your classmates, Anika, has brand new school books and an expensive new calculator. Later, you hear from another friend that Anika was bragging about stealing from the school bookstore.

  1. What would you do in this situation?
  2. Would your answer change if Anika shows remorse and explains that her family has come into money trouble?

Video Sample Question #8


As a research team leader, you learn that an experienced team member has been dismissing the suggestions of a new team member during meetings. This seems to have resulted in the new member becoming increasingly quieter and less engaged.

  1. What steps would you take to address the issue?
  2. What would you do to prevent similar issues from arising in the future?


Casper Sample Questions: Typed Response

The following Casper sample questions are for the typed response section of Casper, which occurs second. In this part of the test, you will be given either a video-based or word-based scenario. After reading or watching the scenario, you will answer three questions within 5 minutes.

Note: In this guide, we’ve only included written scenarios, but on the test, you will be presented with video scenarios as well.

Written Sample Question #1


You are a research assistant at an esteemed university. During your research, you find out that a significant portion of the data collected by the lead researcher has been manipulated to yield more favorable results. This could translate to the university receiving more funding and lead to a prominent publication. However, the manipulation severely affects the academic integrity of the research conducted. As a junior member of the team, discussing this issue with the lead researcher could put your career in jeopardy, but ignoring it might disparage the knowledge in your field.

  1. How would you approach the manipulated data issue?
  2. What would you say to the lead researcher, despite their clear authority?
  3. What are the potential long-term implications if the manipulated data was published?

Written Sample Question #2


You are a hospital administrator. You learn of a well-respected doctor who is bending the hospital rules to help his patients. For instance, he sometimes admits patients with minor problems to keep them under observation overnight, which can be costly to the hospital but beneficial for patients’ wellbeing. Mixed opinions exist among your team about his intentions.

  1. How would you approach the doctor, addressing both the perceived positive intentions and protocol violations?
  2. How would you deal with this matter considering its potential long-term impact on hospital operations, resources, and the precedence it sets?
  3. Reflect on a situation where you had to balance between rule compliance and human empathy.

Written Sample Question #3


Candidates for admission have increasingly impressive experiences and accomplishments. The following questions will be related to how you see your accomplishments.

  1. What is your biggest achievement to date?
  2. What did you learn by achieving that goal?
  3. What factors in your life helped you reach that goal or achieve what you did?

Written Sample Question #4


You are a customer shopping at your local pharmacy. While shopping, you notice a young mother with her baby steal formula and walk out of the store. She seems well-dressed and healthy. You are the only one who noticed the shoplifting.

  1. How would you handle this situation?
  2. What are the ethical, legal, and psychological implications of your decision?
  3. Would your answer change if you were told this was the only time the mother did this?

Written Sample Question #5


The increasing use of AI is a big topic in nearly every industry. Hospitals and research facilities continue to find new uses for AI technology, which has resulted in notable progress. However, the use of AI is new, and we still don’t know what downsides could occur.

  1. What positive outcomes has AI brought to healthcare?
  2. What are some security risks that could arise from utilizing AI in hospitals?
  3. What can hospitals do to mitigate the possible risks of utilizing AI?

Written Sample Question #6


You are attending a university in a small town with a primarily Caucasian population, including yourself. A Sikh student, Harmeet, has recently joined your class. You notice other students begin to make fun of Harmeet’s turban.

  1. What would you do to address the situation?
  2. How can students work to confront bullying on a larger scale?
  3. Describe a time when you were an advocate.

Written Sample Question #7


You are the supervisor of your workplace and two of your colleagues, Ming and Jeff, have a heated exchange. Ming accuses Jeff of making a sexist joke that she finds offensive. Jeff defensively counters, attributing the misunderstanding to Ming’s sensitivity due to stress from personal issues.

  1. How would you address this situation immediately to help ensure a respectful work environment?
  2. What could you do in the long run to prevent future conflicts and foster workplace inclusivity?
  3. Can you recall an experience when you had to mediate or take a stance in an emotionally charged argument? What did you learn?

Written Sample Question #8


You are working on a group project. One of the group members, Ashvin, comes to you saying they don’t believe the work you have done is good enough to submit with the group’s work on the project. They are a bit aggressive about it. You thought your work was fine, but on reflection, you realize your work was a bit rushed.

  1. What would you say to Ashvin when they initially confront you?
  2. What would you do to rectify the situation with Ashvin and the other group members?
  3. How would you ensure this situation doesn’t occur again?


Access Unlimited Casper Practice Questions

Gain access to unlimited practice questions with the new Med School Insiders Casper course.

It leverages cutting-edge AI technology combined with in-depth video tutorials to create the most comprehensive prep resource for Casper out there.

The unlimited practice problems mean you’ll have endless opportunities to refine your skills, adapt to various scenarios, and truly understand the nuances of the Casper exam.

Additionally, you’ll receive instant feedback on both the typed and video response sections of the Casper test, including immediate personalized evaluation and emotion detection analysis. For the typed section, our platform will help you improve your typing speed as you simultaneously master essential Casper vocabulary.


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