15 Casper Test Preparation Tips (Yes, You Can Prepare!)

Just because you can’t study for Casper doesn’t mean you can’t prepare. The Casper test is a unique and fast-paced experience, which means the more familiar and experienced with the format you are, the better you will perform. Comprehensive Casper test preparation will give you the confidence you need to answer clearly and effectively during both the typed and video response sections of the test.

What matters most is how well prepared and confident you feel. After completing practice questions, do you feel rushed, flustered, or unsure of yourself? If so, it’s important to commit yourself to more dedicated practice. Below we’ll outline 15 different strategies that will help you succeed on your Casper test.


What Is Casper and What Does It Test?

Casper stands for “Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics.” True to its name, Casper is a computer-based test designed to measure the kind of person you are beyond your grades and hard skills; it’s an assessment of your social intelligence, critical reasoning, empathy, and communication.

Casper evaluates applicants based on the following nine competencies:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Fairness
  • Ethics
  • Motivation
  • Problem solving
  • Resilience
  • Self-awareness

Casper Test 9 Competencies

Learn how the Casper test is scored and what raters are looking for.

For more information on Casper test logistics, scoring, and frequently asked questions, read our comprehensive Casper test guide.

Casper is not a test you can study for traditionally, but there is plenty you can do to prepare and familiarize yourself with the Casper format.


Preparing for Casper: 15 Casper Test Tips

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Format

Casper is different from any other test you’ve taken in the past. It’s made up of 11 real-world situations where an ethical or professional dilemma is presented, and you’re asked to explain what you would do. There are two kinds of scenarios: word-based scenarios and video-based scenarios.

The test is divided into two response sections, a video response section and a typed response section.

The video response section asks you to respond verbally through video to both word-based and video-based scenarios.

After being presented with a scenario, you will be asked two open-ended questions. You are allotted one minute to record a video response to each question. After the one minute is up, your response is automatically uploaded, and you are not able to review or change your answer.

The typed response section asks you to type your responses to word-based and video-based scenarios.

After being presented with a scenario, you will be asked two open-ended questions. You have 3.5 minutes in total to respond to both questions before you are automatically advanced to the next scenario. If your timer runs out or you submit your answers before your 3.5 minutes are up, your responses are automatically saved. You cannot go back and change your answers.

Casper Test Format Infographic

2. Review Practice Passages

Practice for Casper with sample questions. The scenarios and their corresponding questions are just like the real thing, so get familiar with them. You can find sample Casper questions on the Acuity Insights website for free.

For additional prep, ​​the Med School Insiders Casper course includes instant feedback and unlimited practice problems, which means you’ll have endless opportunities to refine your skills, adapt to various scenarios, and truly understand the nuances of the Casper exam.

This is an example of a word-based Casper scenario.

This is a prompt called Paying a Price:

Think of a time when you had to make a sacrifice in order to accomplish a goal.


  1. Briefly describe the situation and the sacrifice you made.
  2. Do you regret your decision to make the sacrifice? Why or why not?
  3. Did you learn anything from this situation that can be applied to your desired career? Explain your response.

3. Practice within the Test Format

Take a practice Casper test on Acuity Insights to help you get used to the format and the kinds of questions you’ll be asked to respond to on the real Casper test.

Casper offers a practice test that is available when you access your Acuity Insights account. Navigate to the Casper section. Complete Step 1: System Requirements Check. Next, proceed to Step 2: Practice Casper.

Gauge your comfort level with the practice questions in order to determine how much preparation you need. The practice test will show you how you perform under pressure and demonstrate the pace and timing of Casper. However, it must be noted that you will not receive any feedback on your results. The Med School Insiders Casper course offers instant feedback on both the typed and video response sections of the Casper test, including immediate personalized evaluation and emotion detection analysis.

You can also simulate a test with practice questions by setting a timer for yourself. Once your allotted 3.5 minutes are up, reset the timer and move on to the next scenario. In the case of video responses, set a timer for one minute to practice verbally responding to each question within that time frame.

4. Practice Answering with If/Then Statements

There aren’t exact right or wrong answers on the Casper test. Casper is designed to evaluate your ethical and common sense decision-making and professionalism by placing you in hypothetical, ethically murky scenarios.

Since this is the case, it’s best to answer the questions with if/then conditional statements. If this is true, then I would respond this way. But if this is actually true, then I would respond this way.”

Responding to the questions in this fashion shows that you’re able to comprehend both sides of a situation as well as the possible consequences of your decisions. If/then statements also enable you to add important context to the situation that’s not supplied by the scenarios, which are designed to be intentionally vague.

For example, say you’re in a college bookstore. You witness a student take a medical textbook and leave the store without paying. What do you do?

Some possible answers could be:

“I would confront the student and demand they return to the store and pay. If they refuse, then I will report them to the staff and encourage them to call the police. However, if during my confrontation with the student, they tell me it’s their dream to become a doctor, but they cannot afford all of the exorbitant costs, then I would offer to pay for the textbook myself and offer to help them look into financial aid opportunities.”

5. Mitigate Distractions

On the big day, you can’t afford to become distracted. Casper is a timed test, and if you’re thrown off of your game by a notification or a roommate—pets and parents included—knocking on your door, it could seriously hinder your performance.

Plus, the first half of the test requires video-based responses. If you become distracted while recording your answer verbally, you may not be able to get your point across in time, and it will be challenging to recover mentally.

Turn off your phone or leave it in another room entirely. You won’t need it while you’re taking Casper.

You need a quiet and distraction-free environment in which to take Casper, and you can’t afford to be interrupted. So, if you live with other people, let them know what Casper is and when you will be taking the test. Since people are naturally forgetful, put a sign on the door as a reminder. Or better yet, ask your roommates to leave the house or apartment for a couple of hours.

Life is noisy. What if a roommate decides to make a meal while you’re recording your timed verbal answer, and they set off the smoke detector?

Maintaining your focus is critical. Do whatever is necessary to preserve it.

6. Prepare Your Technology

Taking an online test relies on up-to-date technology. Ensure you have the proper browsers installed on your computer. Chrome and Firefox are the only supported browsers. You will not be able to use Safari, Explorer, smartphones, or tablets to complete the Casper test.

Run a system requirements check in the space where you intend to take the test using the same technology and internet connection you plan to use during the Casper test.

Additionally, here are the technical requirements outlined by Acuity Insights for the day of your test:

  • Download an updated version of both Chrome and Firefox. Please note that only these two web browsers are supported.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Close all other applications (e.g., Skype).
  • Use an incognito/Private browser.
  • Disable any Firewall or pop-up blockers.
  • Disable all plug-ins and extensions (e.g., Grammarly).
  • Deactivate your Virtual Private Network (VPN) for Chrome or Firefox.
  • Log in to your Acuity Insights account approximately thirty minutes before your scheduled test time.

You will need a working webcam for the duration of your Casper test and a microphone to record your answers during the video component. Invest in either an external USB microphone or one built into your headphones. Even though your laptop has a built-in microphone, depending on your model, these can be quite lousy at clearly picking up recorded audio.

On test day, make sure your laptop is fully charged, and you have a power cord nearby, just in case. Don’t let a simple tech issue, such as not having an up-to-date browser installed or running out of battery power, affect your mindset on test day.

7. Test Your Connection (And Have a Backup)

Your ability to complete the Casper test is reliant on a secure internet connection.

Casper is taken online, which means any interruption to your connection will drastically hinder your chances of success. A lost internet connection could cause you to miss a question, and even if you get back online quickly, a dropped connection could completely throw off your groove and mindset.

Make sure you have a strong and reliable internet connection for test day. Test your connection in advance. Ideally, you’re looking for an internet speed of 1.5 Mbps or more and an upload speed of 2 Mbps or more.

If you live with roommates, this is another great chance to inform them of your needs on test day. Let them know you will be relying on a strong internet connection. Ask them not to put any heavy burden on your service while you’re taking your test, such as downloading a TV series, playing online video games, or restarting the modem.

If possible, have a backup option available in case. This could be a portable Wi-Fi device, or you could utilize your cellular data plan to grab an emergency personal hotspot connection on your computer.

8. Get in the Right Headspace

Take time to get in the right headspace before you take Casper. Understandably, there’s a lot of pressure for premeds around test taking. Ensure you enter your Casper test cool, calm, and collected.

Do all that you can do leading up to test day to calm your nerves and feel at ease. Take some time away from studying to participate in a relaxing activity you enjoy, meditate, and practice mindfulness in whatever form you feel most comfortable with.

9. Pay Attention to Your Breathing

If you have thoroughly prepared and practiced, there’s no reason to be anxious about Casper. That said, if you do feel stressed or anxious, the best way to clear your mind and control your nerves is to focus on your breathing. Box breathing, a technique practiced by US Navy Seals, can help you quiet your mind and find focus.

Box Breathing:

  • Sit with your back straight.
  • Exhale all of the air from your lungs.
  • Inhale slowly through your nose and count to 4.
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds.
  • Exhale through your nose for 4 seconds.
  • Don’t inhale for 4 seconds.
  • Repeat this process 4 times.

Box Breathing step by step instructions

It’s vital to start this test calm and focused. Breathing intentionally in this fashion slows down your heart rate, which will prevent you from panicking.

Remember not to rush during Casper. It’s okay to miss a question, as Casper raters assign an overall score to each scenario. In the typed response section, take the full 3.5 minutes, and in the video response section, take the full minute or as long as you need to thoroughly respond to each question. If you’re automatically moved to the next scenario or question before you’re ready, take a deep breath and stay calm. Keep moving forward.


Tips for the Casper Test Typed Response Section

10. Hone Your Reading Comprehension

While some of the scenarios are video-based, you will need to read and fully comprehend the word-based scenarios within a limited amount of time.

Reading comprehension is an incredibly useful skill for your Casper test, the MCAT CARS section, and your life in general. Being able to quickly understand what you read is an invaluable skill to have—especially in a profession like medicine, which is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.

Reading comprehension is a skill, and like any skill, it requires dedicated practice to improve.

One way to enhance your reading comprehension is through active reading. Active reading is when we thoroughly engage with a text by asking questions, challenging the author’s point of view, making personal connections, rereading what we don’t understand, and focusing on the author’s use of language to deeply understand their true intentions.

It’s also a good idea to force yourself to read challenging texts. As a premed, you’re probably no stranger to difficult texts—and things are only going to get more challenging in medical school. Build this skill now for greater success down the line.

For more strategies to improve your reading comprehension, read our guide: How to Improve Reading Comprehension — 10 Strategies.

11. Improve Your Typing Skills

While typing is only a small piece of preparation for Casper, having strong typing skills will allow you to focus on your answers rather than your keyboard.

Casper is a timed test, so being able to type quickly and legibly is to your advantage. The ability to type fast with few errors also means you won’t need to go back and fix mistakes as frequently, and the raters will easily be able to understand the points you are trying to convey.

Raters are trained not to penalize you for spelling and grammatical errors, but you still need to get your point across effectively. If your response is filled with errors, it may be tough for your raters to decipher what you are trying to say. You could also change the meaning of your answer entirely with a simple typo.

For example, there’s a big difference between: “I would offer to help that individual” versus “I wouldn’t offer to help that individual.”

The complete meaning of your response can be altered by misspelling a word or missing an apostrophe.


Tips for the Casper Test Video Response Section

12. Record and Review Practice Questions

Being in front of a camera isn’t for everyone. Many of us are sensitive about our speaking voice and looks, so the idea of a video response section may seem very daunting. This is completely understandable and something many, many of your fellow applicants are feeling as well.

The only way to truly get over your nerves is through plenty of practice and experience. The more you expose yourself to something, the less nerve-racking it is. Practice recording yourself responding to Casper sample questions. If you’re a Mac user, utilize apps like Photo Booth. If you’re a PC user, utilize apps like Camera.

Review the video afterward and identify areas you think you could improve. Ask a trusted friend or family member to review your recording and provide you with feedback as well.

While it can be tough to watch yourself on camera, it’s something you will need to get used to, as interviewing is an essential skill to master when applying to medical school and then residency.

Focus on the substance of your answers. Are you able to respond articulately and succinctly within the one-minute time frame? Keep practicing until you feel confident.

13. Complete Vocal and Face Exercises

Do you stretch before going for a jog or hitting the gym? If your friend was about to compete in a marathon without stretching and warming up first, what would you say to them?

While you won’t pull a muscle in your face, you will very likely trip over your words. Speaking too fast, slurring your speech, and getting tongue-tied will make it more difficult for the Casper raters to understand what you’re saying. Speaking clearly will help you feel more confident, and it will ensure the raters understand the full substance of your responses.

Warm up your mouth by quickly repeating tongue twisters, such as “red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather,” and “the tip of the tongue, the teeth, and the lips, the tip of the tongue, the teeth, and the lips.”

Focus on enunciating every syllable of the words. Exaggerate the movements of your mouth; make them way bigger than they need to be. Imagine you’ve just stuffed ten pieces of gum into your mouth. Chew the words up. How fast can you say the above phrases articulately?

Performing these vocal warmups will loosen up your mouth, helping you to speak confidently and clearly while responding to the Casper questions.

Use face yoga to loosen up your face. You want to appear engaged and confident instead of remote and robotic. Open up your mouth and eyes as wide as possible like you’re about to scream. Hold this position for a few seconds, then do the exact opposite. Shrink your face as tiny as possible, wrinkling your nose, squeezing your eyes shut, and pinching your lips together. Alternate between these positions to liven up and relax the muscles in your face.

Record yourself answering Casper practice questions to ensure you are clearly enunciating and appear engaged while you are speaking.

14. Watch Your Posture

Good body language, including sitting up straight with good posture, has benefits that are twofold.

First, you will look more engaged and prepared when sitting up straight. Casper is a measure of your professionalism, and while the raters are trained not to focus on your physical attributes or clothing choices, they’re still human. It’s important to project confidence. And not only that, sitting up straight will make you feel more confident. You are a future medical professional. Carry yourself with the dignity and authority demanded of your profession.

Secondly, sitting up straight means you won’t be compressing your vocal cords. Keeping your back straight and your shoulders back will help you speak more clearly and confidently.

15. Make It a Conversation

Think of the video response section as a conversation. Visualize speaking to someone on the other end of your camera (because you are.) Practice making eye contact with your camera while you are speaking. Use hand gestures to make it feel more natural and to emphasize your points.

Making eye contact and using hand gestures are also excellent interview techniques. It shows you are actively participating in the conversation, and it keeps the person you’re speaking with engaged. While this may feel unnatural within the Casper format, you are, in fact, engaging with someone on the other side of the camera who will be rating the substance of your answer. Keep this in mind as you practice.

Casper Video Response Strategies list

The video response section of the Casper test requires a whole set of new preparation strategies. Read our full guide to the Casper video response section, which includes frequently asked questions and strategies for video response success.

Still have questions? Read our Casper Test FAQ.


Prepare for Casper with Med School Insiders

Although you can’t study for Casper, it’s essential to prepare for it.

The Med School Insiders Casper prep platform leverages cutting-edge AI technology combined with in-depth video tutorials. It’s the most comprehensive prep resource for Casper out there.

Get instant feedback on both the typed and video response sections of the Casper test, including immediate personalized evaluation and emotion detection analysis. For the typed section, our platform will help you improve your typing speed as you simultaneously master essential Casper vocabulary.

The course includes unlimited practice problems, which means you’ll have endless opportunities to refine your skills, adapt to various scenarios, and truly understand the nuances of the Casper exam.

Plus, it comes with a 3-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it for yourself at zero risk.

Infographic CASPer Test Checklist


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