2025 Top 10 Least Competitive Specialties in Medicine
Every specialty in medicine is competitive, just some more so than others. These are the 10 least competitive specialties.
Every specialty in medicine is competitive, just some more so than others. These are the 10 least competitive specialties.
Based on brand new data from the 2024 NRMP Charting Outcomes, we meticulously reassessed the most competitive specialties.
There’s an entire healthcare team behind every surgery that ensures the patient is cared for when they’re under the knife. These are all of the essential roles.
What Enneagram Type are you, and does it align with the specialty you’re most interested in or have already pursued? Find out!
We cover every subspecialty in psychiatry, including when the additional 1 to 2 years of training is necessary for your career goals.
The are the 5 medical specialties that report the least burnout. If you’re looking for a career with less stress, these might be for you.
Are you interested in pursuing a surgical specialty or subspecialty? There are 6 surgical residency paths, as well as dozens of further subspecializations to choose from.
Physician burnout and depression rates still haven’t recovered since the pandemic. These are the specialties that suffer from the highest rates of burnout.
There are dozens of different medical specialties and even more subspecialties you can pursue. In this guide, we explain them all.
What doctor specialty should you pursue based on your Big Five Personality type? Learn which personality traits best match each specialty.