How to Study for Step 1 — 2025 USMLE Step 1 Exam Guide
Our comprehensive USMLE Step 1 guide details the pass/fail transition, the best resources to use, how to create a study plan, success strategies, and FAQs.
Our comprehensive USMLE Step 1 guide details the pass/fail transition, the best resources to use, how to create a study plan, success strategies, and FAQs.
These are the test-taking strategies you need to soar above the rest of the class, setting the curve no matter how difficult the material becomes.
We break down what happens if you fail USMLE Step 1, what to do next, and how to avoid failing a major medical school exam.
Tests are not created equal! Therefore studying for them should not be the same. Here’s how to tailor your study to best suit the exams you have coming up.
USMLE Step Scores can make or break your residency application. Here are the doctor specialties with the highest and lowest Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores.
The USMLE Step 1 is the most important test a future doctor will ever take. How you spend time during the dedicated study period will ultimately have the greatest impact on your Step 1 Score.
Learn how to organize and optimize your USMLE Step 1 studying in the months leading up to the dedicated period.
Let’s discuss the entire medical school timeline from first year to graduation. We’ll go over the full timeline and what to expect during each year.
Taking USMLE Step 1 was one of the most difficult things I had to do. Now that I’ve been through the experience, I have had time to reflect on what I wish I knew before.
Now that USMLE Step 1 is pass/fail, how is the medical school experience changing for students? Let’s find out.