Clinical volunteer work is an absolute must on the medical school application. Without substantial clinical experience in some facet of medicine, your application will be incomplete, and you will be at a significant disadvantage. One of the best ways to explore this essential piece of your application is by shadowing a doctor.
In this guide, we outline the benefits of shadowing a doctor and how to do it right.
1 | Determine If Medicine Is Right for You
First and foremost, shadowing a physician exposes you to what medical practice actually looks like. Sure, shadowing gives you a small amount of education about medicine itself simply by diffusion—the movement of knowledge from an area of higher concentration (physician) to an area of lower concentration (student).
Yet the small amount of medical knowledge you might gain from the experience is trivial and essentially meaningless in the big picture of your path toward medicine. You will learn so much more in the thousands of hours of medical school and residency, so do not worry about picking up too much medical knowledge when shadowing.
Instead, observe as closely as you can what it actually looks like to be a physician. See what the doctor’s job looks like, from their daily routine to how they interact with patients to how much time they spend in the operating room versus the clinic, etc. This is the true learning opportunity of shadowing.
All the while, ask yourself the following questions:
- Is this work exciting and engaging to me?
- What aspects of the physician’s job do I particularly like or dislike?
- Can I see myself doing this for my career?
Answering these crucial questions will allow you to decide whether medicine is truly a good fit for you, which is the most essential purpose and benefit of shadowing.
2 | Strengthen Your Application
Without a doubt, shadowing can be a strong clinical experience to list on your medical school application. However, keep in mind that continuity together with the experience is key, so try to put in hours longitudinally over the course of weeks to months.
At the same time, do not allow shadowing to be your only clinical experience. At its essence, shadowing is a passive endeavor. It allows for learning through observation but not through action.
A portion of your clinical experience must be more active, allowing you to have some direct responsibilities, such as cleaning patient rooms, or direct patient contact, like patient transport in the hospital. Seek out these active roles as well to complement your shadowing experience.
3 | Obtain a Strong Letter of Recommendation
One of the most beneficial and tangible results of a shadowing experience is a letter of recommendation. Shadowing is a unique opportunity to work one-on-one and build a relationship with a physician. If, as recommended above, you spend a substantial amount of time in a clinic or with a single doctor, you will likely develop a relationship with them.
Show initiative by being an active observer and asking questions when appropriate. That said, don’t overdo it. Be mindful of the physician’s time and workflow, but when time allows, show your interest and enthusiasm by asking questions and engaging in dialogue.
After spending a good amount of time with the physician, building a strong rapport, and gaining their trust, it’s important to ask if they would be willing to write you a strong letter of recommendation. Shadowing, like research, is one of the unique times when you have a great opportunity to work closely with a mentor; this relationship can later lead to a letter of recommendation.
Learn How to Get Strong Medical School Letters of Recommendation.
4 | Gain Insight Into the Process of Becoming a Doctor
Shadowing is an opportunity to gain insight from those who have gone down the path you are about to embark on.
Intentionally seek the advice of the physicians you work with about the doctor journey. Do they have specific recommendations or strategies to help with becoming a physician? Do they have perspective on the particular specialty they work in, and is their area of medicine of any interest to you?
Ask the physician about their experience and what led them to where they are today. Learning how someone else achieved what you hope to one day achieve will only better your understanding of what it takes to get there.
5 | Uncover New Opportunities
Think outside the box when shadowing. Understand that shadowing and building a relationship with one or more physicians can lead to other great opportunities.
For example, if your preceptor does clinical research projects with patients, volunteer to help them collect this data. If they are interested in quality improvement projects that use chart review, volunteer to help them organize or collect the data.
Shadowing experience may open up other doors, too. Keep your eye out for these chances, and if they arise, be proactive in seizing the opportunity by showing your genuine interest and your enthusiasm to help.
Medical School Application Success
Shadowing is only one of the many areas of experience you’re expected to have when applying to medical school. Learn more from our Extracurriculars Explained series, which covers the pros and cons of different extracurriculars, how to find opportunities, and tips for success.
Check out our volunteering guide, medical scribe guide, and EMT guide.
If you have any questions, the Med School Insiders team is always eager and ready to provide you with any advice or support you need.
This Post Has 2 Comments
It would be great to have an article about how to leave a positive impression on the physician you are shadowing!
How do you find shadowing opportunities if you don’t know any doctors?