Clerkship Review – Surgery
Surgery is a notoriously difficult clerkship and specialty. In this post, I reflect on my experiences during my surgical clerkship at UC San Diego.
Surgery is a notoriously difficult clerkship and specialty. In this post, I reflect on my experiences during my surgical clerkship at UC San Diego.
You have probably heard of burnout, but what does it really mean? In this post I provide my experience as an illustration of what burnout can look like and an opportunity to discuss how we can combat it.
Are you considering volunteering abroad during vacation? Here are some issues to consider before you decide to become a voluntourist.
Medical school rankings certainly matter, but there is more to each school than its ranking. So how should you think about them? Dr. Petey Kass of UCSF provides a framework to help you understand medical school rankings and find the school that is the best fit for you.
Medical mission trips are an intriguing and exciting opportunity to bolster your resume. At the same time, they have significant risks that you might not know of. Here we take an in-depth look at the pros on cons of this experience to help you make your decision.
One of the beauties of medical school is the great breadth of learning. With so many possible fields, how does one choose their residency specialty? In this post Dr. Petey Kass, third-year psychiatry resident at UC San Francisco, provides his advice on how to navigate this difficult process.
Medicine offers a broad range of experiences that bring both joy and sorrow. Being a physician is a tremendously unique opportunity to share these experiences with your patients. In this post, I give you an inside look into some of the life and death encounters of the ICU.
Tying surgical knots properly is a necessary skill for any medical student to survive their surgical rotations. This comprehensive guide shows you how.