How Many Medical Schools Are in the US? (2025 MD and DO Lists)
How many medical schools are in the United States? We share an up-to-date list of every medical school available to you, organized by state.
How many medical schools are in the United States? We share an up-to-date list of every medical school available to you, organized by state.
Choosing which medical schools you want to apply to is a painstaking and time-consuming process. Follow our list of 12 important factors for how to decide.
We cover what to consider when applying to out-of-state medical schools, the pros and cons of in-state vs out-of-state, and how to choose what’s best for you.
We break down what school mission fit means, as well as what you can do to illustrate to admissions committees that you’re the ideal fit for their program.
Learn what makes a school Ivy League as well as the benefits and disadvantages of attending one of these prestigious schools.
What are the Ivy League medical schools? We break down which Ivy Leagues have a medical school and where each ranks in terms of research and primary care.
The MSAR is a go-to resource for medical school applicants. We break down the high-yield information found on the MSAR and how to use it (with screenshots).
Struggling to make a tough decision? Follow our decision making strategies to make informed decisions you can feel good about for years to come.