Yale University School of Medicine Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for Yale University School of Medicine. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page.

aBout Yale University School of MediciNE

Secondary Deadline: November 15, 2024
Secondary Fee: $110
FAP Waiver: Yes
CASPer Required: No
Screens Applications: Yes
Accepts Application Updates


As a preeminent academic medical center that supports the highest quality education, research, and patient care, the Yale School of Medicine will:

  • Educate and inspire scholars and future leaders who will advance the practice of medicine and the biomedical sciences,
  • Advance medical knowledge to sustain and improve health and to alleviate suffering caused by illness and disease, and
  • Provide outstanding care and service for patients in a compassionate and respectful manner.


Essays (Required)​
Please submit answers to the following questions. Please limit your responses to approximately 500 words each.

Required Essay 1:
Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

Required Essay 2 (please select one of the following):
MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions.
MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.

2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.

Additional Information (Optional)​

This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application.

Please limit your response to 500 words.


If you are not currently in college, what are your plans for this year?

Required Essay 1 (Please limit your response to 500 words):
Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

Essay 2 (Please limit your response to 500 words):
MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions
MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.
1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.
2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills, and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.

Essay 3 (Please limit your response to 500 words):
This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. Please limit your response to 500 words.


Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

2.REQUIRED ESSAY (please select one of the following):
MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions
MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.

2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.


This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. If you are a recent graduate, please also list your post-graduation plans/activities in the “Additional Information” section and submit any relevant updates for finalized plans/activities as the application year progresses. Please limit your response to 500 words.


The secondary application essay prompts from this medical school application cycle are the same as above.


1. Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions
MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.

2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine


Please submit answers to the following questions. Please limit your responses to approximately 500 words each.

Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

2. REQUIRED ESSAY  (please select one of the following)

MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions
MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.

2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.


3. This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application.

Please limit your response to 500 words.


Please submit answers to the following questions. Please limit your responses to approximately 500 words each.

Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

2. REQUIRED ESSAY  (please select one of the following)

MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions
MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.

2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.


3. This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application.

Please limit your response to 500 words.

additional MD/PhD essay:

Write a statement (approximately 500 words) concerning:

4. Your reasons for wishing to undertake the combined MD/PhD program, rather than the MD program alone.
The specific PhD program that you propose to follow at Yale.
The strengths of that Yale graduate program and its faculty as they relate to your career goals.


1. Please use this space to write an essay in which you discuss your interest in Yale School of Medicine. (500 words)

2. This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. (500 words)


1. Please use this space to write an essay in which you discuss your interest in Yale School of Medicine. (500 words)

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

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