University of Central Florida College of Medicine Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for University of Central Florida College of Medicine. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page.

About University of Central Florida College of Medicine

Secondary Deadline: December 2, 2024
Secondary Fee: $30
FAP Waiver: Yes
CASPer Required: No
Screens Applications: Yes
Accepts Application Updates: Yes


The University of Central Florida College of Medicine educates and inspires individuals to be exemplary physicians and scientists, leaders in medicine, scholars in discovery, and adopters of innovative technology to improve the health and well-being of all. 

Our patient-centered mission is achieved by outstanding medical care and services, groundbreaking research, and leading edge medical and biomedical education in an environment enriched by diversity.


The University of Central Florida College of Medicine aspires to be the nation’s premier 21st century college of medicine. 

The UCF College of Medicine will be a national leader in education, research, and patient care, recognized for supporting and empowering its students and faculty to realize their passion for discovery, healing, health, and life, and for its ability to create partnerships to transform medical education, health care, and research.


1. List of Y/N questions with room to explain if necessary, no limit for any
  • Are you currently enrolled in an academic program? (Y/N) If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time.
  • Have you experienced academic difficulties, had any grades below “B minus,” or any course withdrawals while in college? (Y/N)
  • Are you currently or have you ever been subject to disciplinary action at a college or professional school that did NOT result in academic probation or dismissal? (Y/N)
  • Have you ever been placed on academic probation, dismissed, or withdrawn from a college or professional program? (Y/N)
  • Do you have any criminal charges pending or expected to be brought against you? (Y/N)

2. Medical school demands significant personal sacrifices, including long hours, emotional stress, and sometimes compromising personal time. Can you describe how you have prepared yourself for these sacrifices and how you plan to maintain a healthy work-life balance while managing the responsibilities of a medical student? (Limit 750 characters)

3. Can you please recount an experience from your academic or personal life where you actively collaborated with others to achieve a common goal? How do you anticipate applying this collaborative approach in your future medical education and practice, taking into account the diverse perspectives and expertise within healthcare teams? (Limit: 750 characters)

4. We often hear that students want to pursue medicine to help people. Why did you choose medicine and not some other field where you can help others, such as nursing, physical therapy, pharmacology, psychology, education, or social work? (Limit 750 characters)

5. Were you required to work during your college years? (Y/N). If yes, In this space, provide a brief description of why employment was necessary. Also, include the estimated weekly hours you were required to work. (no limit)

6. Tell us about something that is integral to understanding who you are as a person that we would not automatically know from reading your application. These may be things like qualities, characteristics, or events you feel are unique to your life experience. You could address personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. (Limit 4000 characters)

7. Please share with the Admissions Committee why you are specifically interested in UCF COM. (no limit)


1. If you are NOT a Florida resident, please describe any connection to UCF COM, UCF, or Florida. (500 characters)

2. If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time. (500 characters)

3. In this space, provide brief details regarding academic difficulties, grades below “B minus,” or course withdrawals. (500 characters)

4. What breakthrough in clinical or research medicine would you like to see occur within the span of your career in medicine? Why? (750 characters)

5. The complexity of healthcare delivery increasingly requires interdisciplinary teamwork. What lessons have you learned from sports, music, business or other experiences have prepared you to succeed in this environment? (750 characters)

6. We often hear that students want to pursue medicine to help people. Why did you choose medicine and not some other field where you can help others, such as nursing, physical therapy, pharmacology, psychology, education, or social work? (750 characters)

7. Please share with the Admissions Committee why you are specifically interested in UCF COM. (750 characters)

8. Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the broad diversity of our students within the classroom. We believe the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (Up to 4,000 characters)


1. Please list each course you have taken, or are projected to take, in an online environment. (500 characters),

2. If you are NOT a Florida resident, please describe any connection to UCF COM, UCF, or Florida. (500 characters)

3. If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time. (500 characters)

4. In this space, provide brief details regarding academic difficulties, grades below “B minus,” or course withdrawals. (500 characters)

5. What breakthrough in clinical or research medicine would you like to see occur within the span of your career in medicine? Why? (750 characters)

6. The complexity of healthcare delivery increasingly requires interdisciplinary teamwork. What lessons have you learned from sports, music, business or other experiences have prepared you to succeed in this environment? (750 characters)

7. We often hear that students want to pursue medicine to help people. Why did you choose medicine and not some other field where you can help others, such as nursing, physical therapy, pharmacology, psychology, education, or social work? (750 characters)

8. Please share with the Admissions Committee why you are specifically interested in UCF COM. (750 characters)

9. Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the broad diversity of our students within the classroom. We believe the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (4,000 character limit)


1. Please list each course you have taken, or are projected to take, in an online environment. (500 characters)

2. If you are NOT a Florida resident, please describe any connection to UCF COM, UCF, or Florida. (500 characters)

3. If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time. (500 characters)

4. In this space, provide brief details regarding academic difficulties, grades below “B minus,” or course withdrawals. (500 characters)

5. Please let us know, by way of a percentage, how you prepared yourself for the MCAT examination using the following three (3) methods. Your response should add up to 100%.(1) A commercial test preparation service (Kaplan/Princeton Review, etc.); (2) A review course created by an undergraduate institution; (3) Self-study with books and or online resources (Khan Academy, AAMC, etc.).*Your answer should look something like: 30/30/40 = 100% (500 characters)

6. What breakthrough in clinical or research medicine would you like to see occur within the span of your career in medicine? Why? (750 characters)

7. The complexity of healthcare delivery increasingly requires interdisciplinary teamwork. What lessons have you learned from sports, music, business or other experiences have prepared you to succeed in this environment? (750 characters)

8. What profession would you choose other than a medical doctor? Explain why. (750 characters)

9. Please use the space below for anything you might wish to discuss related to the COVID-19 public health crisis. Possible topics might include, for example: your biggest lessons and insights from the pandemic; creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis; academic or personal hardships you may have faced as a result of the virus or quarantine, etc. In what ways have you grown from these experiences? (750 characters)

10. Please share with the Admissions Committee why you are specifically interested in UCF COM. (750 characters)

11. Were you required to work during your college years? (750 characters)

12. In this space, provide a brief description of why employment was necessary. Also include an estimated hours per week that you were required to work. (750 characters)

13. Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the broad diversity of our students within the classroom. We believe the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (4000 Characters)


1) If you are NOT a Florida resident, please describe any connection to UCF COM, UCF, or Florida.

2) If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time.

3) Have you experienced academic difficulties, had any grades below “B minus,” or any course withdrawals while in college?

4) Please let us know, by way of a percentage, how you prepared yourself for the MCAT examination using the following three (3) methods. Your response should add up to 100%.(1) A commercial test preparation service (Kaplan/Princeton Review, etc.); (2) A review course created by an undergraduate institution; (3) Self-study with books and or online resources (Khan Academy, AAMC, etc.). *Your answer should look something like: 30/30/40 = 100%

750 characters:
5) What breakthrough in clinical or research medicine would you like to see occur within the span of your career in medicine? Why?

6) The complexity of healthcare delivery increasingly requires interdisciplinary teamwork. What lessons have you learned from sports, music, business or other experiences have prepared you to succeed in this environment?

7) What profession would you choose if not medicine?

8) Please use the space below for anything you might wish to discuss related to the COVID-19 public health crisis. Possible topics might include, for example: your biggest lessons and insights from the pandemic; creative ways in which you were able to serve your community during the crisis; academic or personal hardships you may have faced as a result of the virus or quarantine, etc.

9) Please share with the Admissions Committee why you are interested in UCF COM.

“No more than 2 pages”: Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the broad diversity of our students within the classroom. We believe the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general.


1. If you are NOT a Florida resident, please describe any connection to UCF COM, UCF, or Florida. (2000 char)

Answer as appropriate based on your personal connections.

2. If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time. Otherwise write N/A. (2000 char)

If you are taking a gap year and will not be enrolled in classes during the application year, explain in detail what experiences you will have during that time. For each experience, explain how this will help you grow and become a better medical school candidate, which is the most important goal of the gap year in the admissions committee’s eyes. Focus on the lessons you will learn and skills you will gain during the time off. Do not repeat what is in your primary application. This is a key to all secondaries. If you are continuing prior experience from the AMCAS primary (which can be difficult to avoid given the nature of some secondary questions), try to adopt a new angle or describe a different aspect of the experience than has been presented before. Consider using an anecdote to spice up the answer.

3. Have you experienced academic difficulties, had any grades below “B minus,” or any course withdrawals while in college?
Assuming you answer yes, the below pops up.
In this space, provide brief details regarding academic difficulties, grades below “B minus,” or course withdrawals. (2000 char)

Do not feel compelled to answer this question, but if there is a portion of the application which needs clarification it is reasonable to do so. Be sure to not sound like a victim and not to make excuses, but be honest in description of the circumstances and reasons for this issue. One possible example is if you had any health issues requiring you to withdraw from a class and receive an incomplete. Be sure to state what you learned from the experience and how you improved upon it thereafter.

4. What breakthrough in clinical or research medicine would you like to see occur within the span of your career in medicine? Why? (750 char)

This is an interesting question which requires a bit of background knowledge on some topic in medicine. Perhaps you have a research interest on which you are working and can discuss in this answer. That would be ideal, as you likely already have the necessary basis of knowledge and can make the answer more personal. Make sure you do not repeat prior content from the primary application. If choosing a new topic, do some online research to understand the basis of knowledge and current medical practice regarding that medical issue so that you are able to answer intelligently.

5. The complexity of healthcare delivery increasingly requires interdisciplinary teamwork. What lessons have you learned from sports, music, business or other experiences have prepared you to succeed in this environment? (750 char)

This is a great question in that it is absolutely applicable to medicine. As much as any other field, medicine requires teamwork. Each day physicians collaborate with nurses, with allied medical professionals such as pharmacists and physicians’ assistants, and most of all with their patients. All of these components require significant teamwork skills. Think of a unique time when you worked in a team effectively. Choose an occasion where you took a leadership role. Using an anecdote can be effective. Consider prior job experience, work in extracurricular groups, or other endeavors in sports or music as stated in the prompt. Show that you were an effective leader, but also that you were humble and willing to adapt and work with people whose opinions differed from your own.

6. What profession would you choose if not medicine? (750 char)

This is a fun question which will have a unique answer for everyone. Answer openly and honestly. It would be good to explain why medicine is a better fit for you than this career, but it is reasonable to show your genuine interest in this other field. If you have skills that you have gained from these separate interests, discuss them here and consider stating why they also contribute to your strength as a doctor.

7. Please share with the Admissions Committee why you are interested in UCF COM. (750 char)

The first step to answering this question is doing some research on the program website to understand some of its nuances. Is it very strong in a particular field of research, or perhaps in community clinical work for the underserved? If one of these aspects aligns with your strengths or interests, explain how you are a great fit for this reason. Outline how these opportunities will help you grow toward your career goals as you envision them. Think about the opportunities the location provides in terms of clinical experience and social experience as well. Be sure to tailor your answer to the unique aspects of UCF COM.

8. Were you required to work during your college years?
If you answer yes, they ask you provide a brief description of why employment was necessary. Also include an estimated hours per week that you were required to work. (750 char)

Discuss your work experience during college. Be sure to describe what you learned from the experience and the skills you gained. Also make sure this does not repeat what was stated in the primary application. You may have to choose a new anecdote in order to achieve this.

9. Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the broad diversity of our students within the classroom. We believe the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (two pages maximum, single spaced, no margins)

This is one of the more unique secondary prompts and not an easy one to answer. It is always tough to write about yourself. The key here is to not repeat the personal statement or primary application. The admissions committee already has all that info, so now you need to bring something new. Consider treating this as an autobiography, detailing the major parts of your life from beginning until present time. Start with an outline; this is key. Do not focus on medical events and experiences, as these were likely not as important until recent years of your life. Make it creative and true to yourself. Let your voice come out in the writing. In the end, if you can tie things together to create a theme as to why you are a good fit to become a doctor, that would be a great outcome. Be sure to discuss the specific components stated later in the prompt: challenges and how they affect your goals in medicine; elements of your background that define you; and how you will contribute to your class and the medical profession.


The secondary application essay prompts from this medical school application cycle are the same as above.


1. In this space, describe your anticipated coursework for the academic year. (2000 char)

2. Do you have any information that you would like to share with the UCF COM Medical Student Admissions Committee that has not already been addressed in your AMCAS application? You may also use this section to include information about your family, hobbies, and travels, personal interests, interests in the UCF COM, or relationship to Florida, that have not already been discussed in your AMCAS application. (2000 char)

3. Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different from your AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the broad diversity of our students within the classroom. We believe the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (2000 char)


1. If you do not expect to spend the academic year enrolled in an academic program, please explain how you will use this time. (2000 character limit)

2. Please provide details regarding academic difficulties, grades below B minus, or course withdrawals. (2000 character limit)

3. Do you have any information that you would like to share with the UCF COM Medical Student Admissions Committee that has not already been addressed in your AMCAS application? You may also use this section to include information about your family, personal interests, hobbies, and travels that have not already been discussed in your AMCAS application. Please provide details about NEW information for the Committee to consider to include information about your family, personal interests, hobbies, and travels that have not already been discussed on your AMCAS application. (2000 character limit)

4. Please provide a short essay to help us understand who you are. This essay should be different than you AMCAS Personal Statement. UCF COM places great value on the diversity of our students within the classroom and believe that the diverse characteristics of each individual in the class are important factors in serving the educational missions of this school and of our community. Please discuss any unique, personally important and/or challenging experiences in your background that have influenced your goals and preparation for a career in medicine and service to others. These may include experiences such as the quality of your early educational environment, socioeconomic status, cultural background, or other significant events or circumstances that you feel have shaped your character and defined you as an individual. We are also interested on your thoughts about what you can contribute to your class and the medical profession in general. (2 pages, single spaced)

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

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