Louisiana State HSC New Orleans Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for Louisiana State University HSC School of Medicine at New Orleans. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page.

about louisiana state university HSC School of medicine

Secondary Deadline: December 1, 2024
Secondary Fee: $50
FAP Waiver: Yes
CASPer Required: No
Screens Applications: Yes
Accepts Application Updates: Yes


Louisiana State University School of Medicine – New Orleans educates medical students, residents, and other learners in an environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity, and that reflects the diversity of its community. The School of Medicine, striving for excellence in medical education, clinically relevant research, and healthcare delivery, partners with other LSUHSC schools, local health care systems, and community organizations, to provide a strong and supportive environment for learners and their faculty.


If you wish, you may attach an essay of reasonable length (500-600 words) using the prompt “your values”.


Note: LSU uses forms for most of its secondary as opposed to essays. The following are the 2 optional prompts:

11. (Optional) Disadvantaged scholarship information letter specifying disadvantage & copy of parent’s federal income tax return)

12. (Optional) Supplemental essay – 500 to 600 words of your values.


1. If you wish, you may attach an essay of reasonable length (500-600 words) using the prompt “your values”. THIS IS AN OPTIONAL ESSAY.

Secondary prompts for those interested in the Primary Cares Program and the Rural Scholars Track

1. Please provide specific information about your immediate and extended family that live in rural or underserved communities in Louisiana. (i.e., relationship, community, occupation, etc.)

2. List all extracurricular activities during college, e.g., volunteer work, clubs, etc. Please indicate the duration and nature of your participation.

3. Describe your involvement in your home community prior to and since attending college, e.g., community groups, activities, or volunteer efforts, etc. (Please indicate your length of time of involvement)

4. What other career possibilities have you considered?

5. Describe your personal experiences and knowledge of rural and/or community life.

6. Based on your own personal experience, observations and insights, describe the roles and responsibilities of a rural or primary care physician.

7. Why do you feel you are a suitable candidate for the Rural Scholar Track (RST), and/or the Patrick F. Taylor Primary Care Scholar Program (PFT)?

8. What medical specialty possibilities have you considered?

9. List your hobbies and interests.


No update.


No update.


1. If you wish, you may attach a letter of reasonable length which contains comments that you feel will enable the Admissions Committee to better assess your qualifications for medical school.


The secondary application essay prompts from this medical school application cycle are the same as above.


The secondary application essay prompts from this medical school application cycle are the same as above.


The secondary application essay prompts from this medical school application cycle are the same as above.

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

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