Frequently Asked Questions

While an interdisciplinary approach can be helpful at times, one of the major mistakes individuals make during MCAT preparation is spreading themselves too thin with too many resources, particularly in the form of content review. Additionally, many resources either go too in-depth or don’t pay the proper attention to key concepts. For these reasons, we recommend you stick with what is provided in the course for content review as this will teach you everything you need to know in the most time efficient way possible.

The pillars of proper MCAT preparation are:

  1. Content review (initial learning/relearning of information). Content review is accomplished through the science and CARS modules. Memm also helps with the relearning of information through its review sheets.
  2. Spaced repetition. For the best results, spaced repetition should be done through Memm, though it can also be done through Anki.
  3. Application and synthesis of learned information. This is accomplished through the End of Module questions, AAMC practice material.
  4. Learning the test. This will occur throughout the science and CARS modules, Insiders Tips, End of Module questions, and the AAMC practice material.

For the average student, the materials included in the course, complemented by subscriptions to the AAMC practice bundle and Memm, will be plenty. However, if you are struggling or would like additional practice, we’ve provided recommendations for other resources in the “Secondary Resources” resource that you’ll find in this orientation series.

We understand that life can’t be suspended indefinitely and there are things that need to be planned, whether it is jobs, research projects, school, marriage, etc. After completing Science Module 1 – Strategy and the Scientific Method, you’ll take your first practice exam that will give you a glimpse into where you stand in relation to your end goal. Generally speaking, if you’re within 15 points of your score goal, you’re likely to hit your goal if you do everything asked in the course and don’t hit major roadblocks. This happens for some examinees but for others, the process is non-linear, which is something we are still trying to understand in better depth so that we can help these examinees earlier on in their prep.

As you get into your prep, your performance on the End of Module questions and other practice questions will give you additional data points that will let you know if you’re on track.

We cannot guarantee a specific score for two main reasons.

  1. We cannot choose what the examinee chooses to do with the information that is given. For example, someone may choose to discount information as “low-yield” or cut corners by not reviewing practice questions, etc.
  2. We cannot control for personal factors such as a lack of foundational knowledge or the need for more help such as one-on-one work with a tutor to identify and overcome unique challenges in your learning.

However, the principles that we teach are grounded in science and have been shown to work in the lives of thousands of pre-meds. Instead of promising you a 515 with some shady exceptions written in the fine print, what we can guarantee is that if you do outlined in this course and commit to the process, your score will increase from your diagnostic test to your actual MCAT.

“Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” Formal structure is helpful because it provides deadlines that drive efforts. However, when you look down the road at medical school, residency, and life in general, there will not be a lot of this formal structure. In general, medical schools are reducing mandatory sessions (such as lectures) to give students more freedom in the learning process. In residency, most research and studying will also be on your own, not on a program mandated schedule.

As we designed the course, we considered providing an extensive, daily structure. Our conclusion was that if examinees do not learn this skill now, the problem will only perpetuate itself into the future. While doing well on the MCAT is of utmost importance right now, we want you to achieve your goal of becoming an excellent physician.

In this course, we’ll teach you what you need to do, how to do it, and in what order to do it. Starting in the next video, we’ll teach you how to take those tasks and set up a schedule that works for you. More importantly, we’ll also talk about how to compensate, revise, and improvise when things don’t go according to plan. We’ll teach you the principles of setting up systems that will allow you to follow your schedule, even when you don’t want to. By gaining these skills, you won’t just succeed on the MCAT, you’ll succeed in every facet of life, no matter how much formal structure.

Test anxiety is a common challenge that we have seen among examinees. We’ve seen those we tutor struggle with it and even some of us have had our challenges. To help specifically with this issue, we’ve included a video in the Student Resources folder that addresses how to identify, cope with, and overcome test anxiety.

We’ve learned through our personal experience and through thousands of hours of tutoring that this is a mentally and emotionally challenging experience and we commend you for your drive to overcome discouragement and try again.

On your end, it is important to recognize what happened during previous attempts. Did you not understand the content well enough? Did the way you thought about the test need some modification? Could you have benefitted from more practice? Identifying and learning from your shortcomings will be essential not only to your success on the MCAT but to crafting a successful application during the medical school admissions process.

On our end, we’ve optimized this course to help you overcome the hurdles you will face on your way to a successful attempt, whether this is the first time or the fifth time. It provides the information and guidance you need to engage in a process that will lead to a more optimal result, as explained in the “The Course at a Glance” video.

Unfortunately, the MCAT prep industry is full of half-baked nonsense packaged in the guise of fancy marketing and promotions – we don’t blame you for being skeptical. Instead of taking our word for it, we want you to see the difference, which is why we offer a 14 day 100% money back guarantee.

We’re constantly improving the course to make it the best experience possible. You should feel free to contact us via the community Discord page (preferred) or the blue intercom button that hovers on the bottom-right side of this page. 

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