Before Taking the End of Module Questions

You have now completed the module and the next step is to test yourself by taking the End of Module questions. Before you burn through valuable, MCAT-like questions, do a gut check and determine if you have really done your best to understand and master the concepts presented. Did you dig deep and stretch your mind while thinking about the Check Your Understanding questions? Did you search for the meaning behind the equations? Did you resolve any questions you may have had? Do you really know the material or do you just recognize it?

Only you will know – however, you can’t expect to get a great score on the MCAT if you take shortcuts. If you choose to, eventually, it will catch up to you and all of us would hate for that to be on test day. If you feel shaky on a few concepts, go back and review. To make sure you know the information – not just because you saw it, but because you’ve learned it properly – take a few days and work on the next module before doing the End of Module questions. It can be frightening to do this without a review of the module but it will make your practice more similar to test day and give you a more accurate indicator of where you’re actually at. It also follows the Spacing Effect and will lead to stronger memory traces.

In short, do whatever it takes now to ensure your success later!

Questions Format

  • Section 1: Math
    • 34 questions
      • 23 passage-based (4 passages)
      • 11 stand alones (3 sets)
    • Recommended time: 43 minutes (like all End of Module questions, it follows the same timing of 8 min/passage, 1 min/standalone)
  • 10-minute (optional) break
  • Section 2: Learning Science
    • 16 questions
      • 9 passage-based (2 passages)
      • 7 stand alones (2 sets)
    • Recommended time: 23 minutes
  • Total recommended time: 76 min
  • Total questions: 50 questions
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